Fasting is Obligatory during Ramadan – Who is exempted from Fasting

Ramdan eishes

Fasting is Obligatory during Ramadan

Observing fast during Ramadan is mandatory for Muslims worldwide, who refrain from food, drink, and intimate relations from dawn till dusk for the entire month, which is considered the holiest month in the Islamic calendar. The term ‘fasting’ varies in different languages, such as ‘ayuno’ in Spanish, ‘Jeûne’ in French, ‘Perhiz’ in Turkish, ‘صوم/ صيام’ in Arabic, and ‘Puasa’ in Indonesian and Malay. The Arabic word ‘Sawm / Siyam’ means to abstain from all activities that break the fast, solely to obey Allah’s commandments. Non-compliance with this obligation negates one’s Muslim status. The pre-dawn meal is called ‘Suhoor,’ and the meal taken after the sunset prayer (Maghrib Salah) is called ‘Iftar.’

Although Ramadan fasting is compulsory for all able-bodied Muslims, certain individuals are exempted from fasting due to legitimate reasons, as pardoned by Allah. According to Surah Al-Baqarah (2:185), sick individuals and travelers are specifically excused from fasting during Ramadan. Moreover, based on this verse and many scholars, the following individuals are also exempted from fasting:
Sehar and Iftar time during the month of Ramadan
Sehar & Iftar Prayer Timings in India
Importance of Prayer in Islam

Who is exempted from Fasting

1. Individuals who are physically or mentally ill
2. Travelers
3. Pregnant or breastfeeding women
4. Menstruating women
5. Elderly people if fasting poses a risk to their health
6. Children who haven’t reached puberty
Additionally, certain actions invalidate one’s fast, such as taking medication through the nose or ears, deliberately vomiting, accidentally swallowing water while gargling, ejaculating due to contact with a woman, smoking cigarettes, swallowing items, continuing to eat or drink after mistakenly assuming the fast has been broken, eating after Suhoor or before Iftar at the wrong time.

Actions That Invalidate the Fast

1. Taking medication through the nose or ears
2. Intentionally vomiting
3. Accidentally swallowing water while gargling
4. Ejaculating due to contact with a woman
5. Swallowing items
6. Smoking a cigarette
7. Continuing to eat or drink after mistakenly assuming the fast has already been broken
8. Eating after Suhoor or before Iftar with the impression that it is before Suhoor or after Iftar
9. Eating Iftar before sunset with the assumption that it is after sunset.

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Find out the details of Chand Raat and Eid-ul-Fitr in the Middle East and India here.

The festival of Eid-Ul-Fitr is being anticipated by Muslims worldwide as it signifies the conclusion of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. In South Asian cultures such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, the night before Eid-ul-Fitr or Eid al-Adha is referred to as ‘Chand Raat’, which translates to ‘moon night’ in Urdu. This term indicates the night when Muslims observe the crescent or new moon, indicating the end of the month-long Ramadan fast.

On Thursday, April 20, Muslims in various countries, including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, and the United Kingdom, will be on the lookout for the crescent moon after breaking their fasts during Ramadan. Despite this, the excitement of Eid festivities remains strong, and individuals are eager to make the most of the occasion. Preparations for Eid are in full swing in Jammu and Kashmir, with hopes for a brighter future.

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